Let us Guarantee Back

Let us Guarantee Back

What could have compelled someone to say ill-will to another?
What would explain some heavy words we don’t expect to hear
from a person whom we thought considers us close at heart?
Needless to ask, “who would not get hurt?!” specially that we didn’t even intend to jeopardize anything nor anyone. It’s just so sad that “malice” & personalized-interpretations worked its way against the harmony that we used to enjoy!

We cannot please everyone, true! … but it doesn’t give us the right to cause someone’s pain just because we are not pleased by what the person say or do! – neither should it privilege us to demean someone just because our expectations are not met – nor just because we feel that the other person is too proud of what he has not yet become based on our standards!

If only I was there during that time “when the people in the synagogue were all filled with fury toward Jesus as featured in the Gospel of Luke 4:21-30, I would have told them that their reactions are mere reflection of who they are inside:, “there is no better test for a man’s ultimate integrity than his behavior when he is displeased. The thing is, you cannot bring out what you don’t have. The words and actuations that would emerge when you’re mad belong to none other than you. Yet, would you have any choice eh “‘yon ka na”?

Let me share with you this story I’m so fond reminding myself of during apprehensions:

“There were two boys who plotted to play a joke on a holy hermit. They intended to hold a bird in their hands behind their back and ask the hermit if the bird was dead or alive. If the hermit said it was dead the boy planned to open his hand and let the bird fly up to the sky. If the hermit said it was alive, the boy planned to crush the bird in his hand to prove that the wise old man was wrong. “Father,” said one of the lads, “I have a small bird in my hand. Is it alive or dead?” There was silence while the old man fixed him with his gaze. Eventually he chuckled and said: “Well, boys—it all depends on you!”

Events and people might plot itself towards us which may trigger our human frailty … 30 “But Jesus passed through the midst of them who were furious and went away.” – with all the might no matter how much sore there was, He managed to guarantee being faithful to His mission in the name of love

I so admire YOU, if despite painful judgements, you remain responsive to God’s call. “It all depends on us”! People who’ve hurt us should not hinder our mission of loving others the more, while WE should GUARANTEE GOD BACK that we will utilize His Supplies & Solutions for us to fulfil our Significance all the more. #sunset