Let Dead-spots Heal…never give up!

Would you know if you are this person whom someone has been praying about because you’re too tough not to admit that you have committed something? Things has been quite difficult about you, and you’ve been misinterpreting good intentions by what you just believe in. You’ve been loud and you don’t hear the silent message. You knew that something has been wrong and you just allowed it? You knew that somebody is in need of moral help but you just shrug your shoulders and tolerated the inconsistencies?

You’ve been proud and you tend not to cooperate to bring out what’s good and proper. You’ve been defensive and little did you try to understand someone’s profound motive.

This might sound “IDEAL” when you strive to make your signal penetrate dead spots … and yes, it’s so painful too when…

Walls are built even when you intend to bridge humility; doors are locked even when you keep on knocking for help.

Reality bites….but some of us are just like this widow in the gospel Luke 9:11-17 who didn’t have other choice than just cry over his son who was carried out for burial – a mom who’s gestures of love did not breakthrough to make her son overcome certain death in his life – not really that she didn’t do her best, but maybe because her intentions were just taken aback by her son.

Yet, since we have a Mystical God, it’s just so touching that along life’s lowest moments, God has never really given up making His message come across even at someone’s deadliest spot. He made the dead man sat up and come to life again.

If there are certain dead-spots in our life, all that we need is that “humility” to recognize that God can heal us, while we also decide to be our own healer.

On the other hand, if we are that person who’s mean-time choice is to just cry while we can’t mend things for some time, let us not give up doing our best to help others HEAL – for where our desires favor God’s, our pains will soon be our gains – we should just persevere to be God’s biggest winner.  🙂 sunset 

2 thoughts on “Let Dead-spots Heal…never give up!

  1. Summer says:

    Gail, thank you for linking to my blog (You are the One I want). I’m glad I discovered your blog via it!

    Wow! I really loved your conclusion here – that even in “the meantime” when we’re waiting for God’s healing, we can seek to help others heal. This reminds me of Isaiah 58 “True & False Fasting” when God says He wants us to seek others’ best & THEN our “healing shall spring up speedily”. http://esvbible.org/Isaiah+58/.

    Thanks for writing this! I hope to be back for more, and I hope you’ll visit my blog again, too.

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